
Saturday, December 27, 2014

FAV MOVIE -Rouroni Kenshin 122714

This is the first time I have watched Rouroni Kenshin movie ( I have watched the Kamen Rider Den-O series too )  and I believe it wont be the last. .

 I admired Takeru Satoh for his good acting  and simple charm. And I wont hesitate to recommend his movie.

The Movie is about a Assassin , Hitokiri Battōsai who walks away from the battlefield, abandoning his sword at
Battle of Toba-Fushimi .

As Himura Kenshin he roams in Tokyo streets carrying only a sakabatō (逆刃刀?, "reverse-blade sword".
He was always told that ," he who lives by the sword must die by the sword"   but Kenshin vows never to kill again.

Lots happened in this movie when he met
 Kamiya Kaoru, the owner of a Kendo school. Like Samurai fights & other adventures. So it is really an enjoyable and a "Must Watch" movie. -Zillaprecious

Link :
Rouroni Kenshin 1  -

 Rouroni Kenshin 2  -

other Links :


Takeru Satoh


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